Contact us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on our website or email us directly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.

Locust Point Marina
(410) 392-4994

Marina Services
(410) 392-4994

(410) 392-0867

Map and Directions to Locust Point Marina and Taylor's Marina

As the two marinas are not far apart, the main office for both marinas is at Locust Point Marina.

Driving directions from Elkton, MD:

  1. From the intersection of Rt. 40 and 213 in Elkton, MD, take Rt. 213S toward Chesapeake City 2.6 miles to the red light at Locust Point Road. Bakers restaurant is located at this intersection.

  2. Turn right on Locust Point Rd for 1.4 miles where Locust Point Road will make a sharp right turn.

  3. Turn right and follow the road .3 miles to where "Old Locust Point Rd." turns off to the left. Keep Straight at this intersection on Locust Point Rd. for another .5 miles where it will dead end into River Road and Knollwood Road.

  4. Take a left on River Road for 3.6 miles, past the Chesapeake Ski Club to Locust Point Marina on your right at 145 River Road.

  5. Taylor's Marina is located about .3 miles past Locust Point Marina at 46 River Road.